Friday, February 2, 2024

Mental And Spiritual Problems

Considering the basics and tips of living in the right direction in the field of health and never the other way around, that is, having wrong thoughts; for example: running away from reality due to the health of the human body and soul.

 These reflections on wrong intentions, whether with a positive purpose!

 And what are the wrong fields of work that make people with bad statistics or following a forced personality, sometimes even intending to kill someone else by insisting on doing a wrong action for their foundation, which (individual goals) is a part of it, and another  puts him in serious danger

 Here, the individual's personality and psyche is put under unusual pressure. Then, at this time, it can be related to the current situation, i.e. the conditions governing the society and dominating the people of a society, which relates it to political and social foundations. After these cases, other than experiences and  The situation can be compared to the birth of a clean baby who is in isolation at birth, because it is effective for leaving wrong habits from before to the next due to the fact that it is a carrier of the virus called Corona.

 Therefore, due to not having a potential place in time to implement the goals and works in the right direction, as well as the right time to end them, both of them apply to each other.  compared with each other for positive intentions and vice versa.

 Here, it should be considered as an unreal story and read it with the perspective of superior propaganda and a nostalgia or portray it as an old subject formed by a character living in a time like today's history.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Expired Times

                        [Vivere Ë Anché Colore Del Amore]

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Drymaeus dakryodes

Clade Euthyneuraclade Panpulmonataclade Eupulmonataclade Stylommatophorainformal group Sigmurethra

Wearing dè Valuable Dress (in phrse by using the Enlightment & Your Consciesness) Helped Mark Your Beautifull Shap Bleed of Elitism in A Celebrity For Posibilities of Meaningfulness Style Of A Hardest Material For Not Having A Reason On This Planet And Being So DelightSome In A Group While *Not In Touch As A Matter Of Faktory Of Reproduction (Durantë Middle Ages A Child) Is Like S Leter And Today Covered By It's Sign Down : Accent Gastropod.


Gymnocorymbus is a genus of small characins from the Amazon, Paraguay, Orinoco, Courantyne, Gurupí and Parnaíba river basins in South America. These tetras are popular in the aquarium trade.

 Tetra Hitam (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) juga dikenali sebagai tetra skirt hitam adalah sejenis spesies ikan air tawar dari keluarga characin (keluarga Characidae) (yang mana termasuk kesemua tetra, termasuk piranha), dari order Characiformes. Tetra berasal dari lembangan Sungai Paraguay dan Guapore di selatan Brazil, Argentina, dan Bolivia.

Tetra Hitam boleh membesar sehingga kira-kira 6 cm (2.5 in) panjang. Badannya berbentuk tetragonal dan berwarna kelabu-kelabuan, pudar di bahagian mulut dan hampir berwarna hitam-kehitaman di ekornya. Dua jalur menegak yang berwarna hitam jelas kelihatan di sisi badannya. Ia merupakan ikan yang hidup berkelompok, dan memerlu

Kan sekurang-kurangnya 6 ekor dalam satu kumpulan.
Tetra Hitam memakan krustacean kecil, serangga dan cacing.

Monday, April 30, 2018

The Warrior And War Philosophy

To be continue,What a bad news man!Let me tell you what happened next just Maybe 12 hours after I was feeling Proud to just scape from this damn prank,Meanwhile the one I used to get close to my target in reality as I said  the Magnet,EMF stuff which many people used Maybe for fun or to track Ghosts Is another way to Listen to words coming from the other side!it is the only way for me to use a radar shape streaming with my smart phone.
Basically Many priorities like this must be divined distribution for a first soldier when he/she voluntarily wants to register and enter the army.At least knowing of each daily news coming from each of country sources existing in the world.When they seemed to be terrible or unregulated accusations,rapes within each date of whether one country started the war with the other Country,information by The exact number of death and damages they have brought through,in brief The purpose in which is involved in that.(you less can find a good news except about olympics and  Kingdoms so on)This Is just the first step,in reality today if you want to compare these black papers to years before you have to forget about How there is/was growing up!?It was better asking it in two words : Philanthropic or Slink..?All the times!?why it doesn't matter how many people lost their family,their life and had to leave their country without a support from can't believe that in some cases I have seen a million people just walking on a road with family and young children to get to the border until they find a way in order to scape from the and why? When this comes through,other Rich countries in Europe (like germany) will accept imigrants And will give them a place to live.that's how they make money from slaves deliberation from countries in middle east by giving innocence people a chance to live..!okay let's get to the main point! (Not Mean They Are Slaves Or Any Misunderstanding)
If you build a Resort into another country eventually contracted by the same one ( like syria) in order to help seize fire I don't think it's your right as a high degraded person to do and go further or guess what?it is to invade,make huge benefits and just selling their armor to be protected from a single conflict of the interest!!!What does it mean? If you decide to create a grand war facades'certainly you should think of The Whole Power of that realistic understatement sure in a war zone.funny how?hey Man I think they have Forgotten that in a war there will be one loser and one winner at the end?heh
Now we are all having a bigger,greater Underground to play With all friends indeed.they are gambling and so unfortunately this war fare businesses had became a Chance to First : Expose new Technologies to Test bombs + killing live people and also the Opposite one Call Patriot..God bless if one person called patriot you could be finding in any graveyard 'Alive' would also had finished this war game not without any remembrance from😨😢😢😢😢😢
Second : At a moment of anarchism when Different Guns constancy and artillary expression During second world are growing nastily as well so Commanding :Fire & Fired until the end of day.(God bless every single person feels god next to him/her and Evil,Evil that bring many new ones where there will be only one way to Hell 😠😢A New War With its new Warriors.👍My Goodness The Creation...😂

Friday, September 22, 2017

Into The Depth Of The Jungles

I have been through the Jungles for many times because I like to go for Hunting there and also to do Photography There with friends.

As you know there is a phobia there like in the sea and sometimes in Mountains Either When you are on Your duty!

It Might happened to you before Because you feel kind of weakness from inside or Something scared You so much and you didnt find a clue!

There are my ways to make it go away!?By being so familiar is one of the ways and Make an effort to do so,Taking many trips but a few to there and At the end being a Jungly man..!why?I think if you devote yourself like you belong to that place You also Will find a chance to make sense of Depth Of The Jungle.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


                          It Is Always A Revolution Hidden Behind A Rebellios.

                            Only A Disgruntled Person Can Change The Society

                                   Who Doesn't Know Things Unchangeable,

                                            In Reality Never Feels Euphoric.

The Revolutionary.
Source : Civilizations.